
Your baby measures 12.6 inches (32.1 cm) from crown to rump and weighs 5.8 lbs (2.6 kg).

Sebastian Kaulitzki / Adobe Stock

Pregnancy Facts - Week 36

What's happening in week 36 of pregnancy

At some point during these last few weeks of pregnancy, your baby will find a nice comfy position near the bottom of your torso in the pelvic area. Known as lightening, the repositioning will take a literal load off some of your organs, like your diaphragm, making it easier for you to breath. But of course, the pregnancy giveth and the pregnancy taketh, so the positioning of your baby will add pressure to other organs, like your bladder, making it easier for you to pee a little every time you sneeze.

As most of your baby's development has largely passed, the placenta no longer needs to produce hormones for your baby. By the end of your pregnancy, the placenta will weigh about 1.3 pounds (0.6 kilograms).


Your baby's development in week 36 of pregnancy

Your baby's daily rituals are primarily sleeping, lounging, playing, eating your food and sipping sebum cocktails. Hopefully it's not foreshadowing of things to come in adult life for your baby.

Meconium is building in your baby's intestines for that lovely first poop after birth. It's going to be black and sticky, and probably really disgusting if you're seeing it (and cleaning it up) for the first time. But be happy it doesn't stink. That olfactory delight will come when your baby starts eating solids and meat.


Your baby's been on a growth rampage for the last several weeks, and it is now less about getting bigger and more about getting fatter. It's a lot colder out in the world than in mom's womb, which is around 98.6°F (36°C), The more fat the better.


How big is your baby in week 36 of pregnancy

This week, your baby is about 12.6 inches (32.1 centimeters) long, measured from crown to rump, and weighs about 5.8 pounds (2.6 kilograms).

My baby 12.6 inches (32.1 cm) from crown to rump and weighs 5.8 lbs (2.6 kg)