About Babysizer
Babysizer was created in the spring of 2015 during my wife's first trimester. On the first day of each pregnancy week, we would check the size of our unborn baby in multiple pregnancy apps and sites to compare our baby to a fruit or a veggie.
It was fun and cute at first, but quickly became confusing. Our baby was one fruit this week and... a smaller fruit the next? It didn't make sense. Where did these people get their groceries from? Either my local supermarket sold mutants, or they were all doing it wrong.
With a ruler in one hand, I compiled a list of iconic food items that would better reflect the size of an unborn baby each week of pregnancy. The list was meant to entertain myself during pregnancy, but it quickly became apparent that Babysizer was helpful to other expectant parents.
Thanks for enjoying Babysizer and finding it useful in your pregnancy! Babysizer has become a weekly tradition for many expectant parents, so it's a joy for me to continually make it better.
Babysizer creator
Thanks for all your support, Babysizer fans! It's because of you that this site has received so much positive attention from so many media outlets. Here are just a few of the great sites that have written about Babysizer.