
Your baby measures 11.9 inches (30.2 cm) from crown to rump and weighs 4.7 lbs (2.1 kg).

Sebastian Kaulitzki / Adobe Stock

Pregnancy Facts - Week 34

6 more weeks to go. You got this.


What's happening in week 34 of pregnancy

Now's about the time in the pregnancy where you reach a tipping point - peak amniotic fluid if you will - as your baby makes up 50% of what's in the womb. Part of the reason is due to your baby growing, the other part is that is that your body is actually absorbing amniotic fluid. Absorption helps empties the womb a little to give your growing baby a little more space to move around.


Sometimes, the amniotic sac membrane ruptures, aka your water breaks. Only a small percentage of women will actually experience the Hollywood trope where the pregnant woman leaks like a poorly engineered dam. More likely yours will be while you are sleeping and be more like peeing in your pants. The majority of women will experience their water breaking while actually in labor.

It's important to call your doctor immediately you think your water broke.

How big is your baby in week 34 of pregnancy

In week 34 of pregnancy, your baby measures 11.9 inches (30.2 centimeters) from crown to rump and weighs 4.7 pounds (2.1 kilograms).

Your baby's development in week 34 of pregnancy

Week 33 marks about 98% fetal viability. Those are pretty good odds for survival.

While it's been an ongoing process, most of the bones in your baby's body are still developing and will continue to harden and fuse together, even after birth. When born, your baby will have about 300 bones. By the time your baby reaches adulthood, the bones will fuse down to 206.

Your baby's skull is currently made of two pieces of bone and won't fuse until after delivery. The reason for this is so that the two pieces can overlap each other during the birthing process, making the head smaller to pass through the birth canal. If you're having a vaginal birth, you can thank god(s)/evolution for that one. If your baby's head measures super big though because of genetics, you'll also need to curse the same god(s)/evolution. It's only fair.


My baby 11.9 inches (30.2 cm) from crown to rump and weighs 4.7 lbs (2.1 kg)